Computer Programming

Latest updates on software and computer programming for those looking to be a coder or who need a programmer.

We Need More Female Programmers In Blockchain

We Need More Female Programmers In Blockchain

Whilst jobs in technology and blockchain are poised for ongoing growth and expansion, women presently represent a very small percentage of these roles. How can we build an inclusive workplace and recruit and retain more female programmers?


Optimistic Offline-First Apps With Vuex – Daily Now – Medium

Optimistic Offline-First Apps With Vuex – Daily Now – Medium

TL;DR — Use Vuex plugins together with LocalForage to easily persist application data in an optimi


Learning Algorithms with JS, Python and Java 9: Printing Steps

Learning Algorithms with JS, Python and Java 9: Printing Steps

This series of articles follows Stephen Grider's Udemy course in three differen...


The easiest problem you cannot solve.

The easiest problem you cannot solve.

Given the following code: const K = a => b => a const cat = 'cat' cons...


The Three Virtues of a GREAT Programmer

The Three Virtues of a GREAT Programmer

I'm for sure not a great programmer, but I find myself 100% convinced that the ...


How To Become A Freelancing Web Developer

How To Become A Freelancing Web Developer

It's more than one way to approach a career in web development.


The Power of Regular Expressions

The Power of Regular Expressions

intro to basic regular expressions with Groovy


It’s easier than you think to craft AI tools without typing a line of code

It’s easier than you think to craft AI tools without typing a line of code

Machine learning without the grind


Scope and Hoisting of variables, functions, and `this` in JavaScript

Scope and Hoisting of variables, functions, and `this` in JavaScript

Blog posts and articles abound for this topic (a reference list follows) so I ...


Did you know that Oracle owns the trademark to Javascript?

Did you know that Oracle owns the trademark to Javascript?

Do you know that Oracle owns the trademark to Javascript?


The most important features for communications apps: preview and reverse-preview

The most important features for communications apps: preview and reverse-preview

And why Mastodon doesn't have them.


Breaking News: Everything Is An Event! (Streams, Kafka And You)

Breaking News: Everything Is An Event! (Streams, Kafka And You)

It's about time you met streaming data! I'm sure you two and Apache Kafka will do great things together. 🤘


Node.js vs PHP

Node.js vs PHP

There’s no doubt PHP is the most known and commonly used language for server-si...


JavaScript and Object-Oriented Programming

JavaScript and Object-Oriented Programming

An introduction into object-oriented programming in JavaScript. Covering the core concepts object, class, encapsulation and inheritance.


How to Easily Boost the Delivery of Static Websites in AWS

How to Easily Boost the Delivery of Static Websites in AWS

I have written a lot about the use case of static websites and leveraging AWS t...


My Node.js Setup (Mocha & Chai, Babel7, ES6)

My Node.js Setup (Mocha & Chai, Babel7, ES6)

Me and Gojira writing unit tests Every time I want to code something I try to ...


Getting started with Docker Compose

Getting started with Docker Compose

This guide explains how you can successfully run a simple multi-service-application (WordPress, MySQL and NGINX) with Docker Compose.


100 Days of Code Takeaways

100 Days of Code Takeaways

Code for at least an hour every day for the next 100 days. Make this a public commitment and track your progress.


Why is TypeScript so great?

Why is TypeScript so great?

In my developer career, I don’t think I’ve met anything as revolutionary as Typ...


Why Agile Goes Awry — and How to Fix It

Why Agile Goes Awry — and How to Fix It

Companies swing from being too tactical to too adaptive.


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Ludewig Multimedia, Inc.
1537 Fourth St. #157
San Rafael, CA 94901


(415) 491-5024
